A European week in picture

A lonely guy demonstrating above the Luxemburg station (in front of the EU parliament). Three police cars and one fire truck to handle with him.

A lonely guy demonstrating above the Luxemburg station (in front of the EU parliament). Three police cars and one fire truck to handle with him.

José Bové, green europdeputyt, met the demonstrators of the Slow Food March.
José Bové, green europdeputy, met the demonstrators of the Good Food March.
Isabelle Durant, green eurodeputy and vice-president of the EU parliament, met the demonstrators of the Slow Food March.

Isabelle Durant, green eurodeputy and vice-president of the EU parliament, met the demonstrators of the Slow Food March.

Good Food March

Good Food March

Good Food March

Good Food March

Daniel Cohn Bendit (green eurodeputy) at a press conference about the Common reform.

Daniel Cohn Bendit (green eurodeputy) at a press conference about the Common Agricultural Policy reform.

Father Paolo at a press conference about Syria

Réforme de la PAC: Propositions des Verts

José Bové, député vert européen / Photographie: Benoît Theunissen

José Bové, député vert européen

José Bové, député vert européen, s’est insurgé en conférence de presse de la politique menée par le PPE et les Socialistes européens. Il les accuse de court-circuiter la réforme de la PAC par des discussions en marge du parlement. Le parti vert européen tient à défendre ses positions. José Bové était au micro de Benoît Theunissen pour expliquer ses propositions en matière de réforme de la PAC.

(Un billet monté réalisé pour l’émission « L’Europe, c’est vous » diffusée sur LN FM et Eur@dioNantes.) Pour écouter l’émission en entier, cliquer ici.

Did you know that Belgium had drones?

The 80 UAV Squadron on the Florennes Air Base is in charge of the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) of the Belgian Army. These drones don’t wear weapons but optical tools. They fly as well in Belgium as abroad for prevention operation. Damien Spleeters and I met last week the men who make them fly.

Here is a few materials as a teaser. Enjoy and more to come in October in Le Vif/L’Express and on Apache.

(Click on this picture to listen to the testimonies of these men!)

An Ops Squadron in a Ground Control Station (GCS) in Florennes, Belgium. The 80 UAV Squadron has 12 B-Hunter drones. On the picture: Chief Warrant Officer Briot (left), Pilot Navigator; Lieutenant Parmentier (center), Mission Commander; and First Sergeant Collignon (right), Real Time Observer.

All these materials by Benoît Theunissen (All rights reserved)

Any replicating, publishing by all means of these materials is strictly prohibited without the authorization of the author.